Getting your child started in a new activity can be very overwhelming, especially when it is an activity that is new to you as well. We are here to answer your questions and guide you in every way. Below you will find some helpful information to get you started.
You are encouraged to come watch others ride at Anne Benson Stables. You, or your child, will learn much faster by watching the more experienced riders and the show horses. There are people and horses to watch every day. Saturday is a busy day and a great day to stop by and watch.
What should be worn to riding lessons?
Riders should wear an ankle-high boots with a smooth sole and a 1/2 inch heel. Do not wear a hiking-boot type sole as it may get caught in the stirrup. The low heel keeps the boot from sliding all the way through the stirrup. Boots may be lace-up, zipper, or elastic. A sneaker can slide all the way through the stirrup, and also does not offer adequate protection if a horse should step on the rider’s foot.
Helmets must fit properly. A poorly-fitting helmet can cause serious problems. When you have the helmet on, it should not be possible to pull it down over the eyes. We recommend the “Aegis” helmets which have an adjustment in the back so that they will fit any head and will grow with your child. Some of these helmets are available right here at Anne Benson Stables or at a local tack store, ask your instructor for assistance.
Riders must wear full-length pants, never shorts or capri pants. We strongly recommend riding pants (“Kentucky Jodhpurs”), which are long pants with a bell-bottom and straps that go under the boots. Please keep the straps on the pants at all times! The straps keep the pants from riding up on the leg and chafing.
Riding pants and boots may be purchased at your local tack store. We recommend Weathervane Tack Shop in Tiverton, RI.